you know that President Wilson was a huge baseball fan? So much so that he named a room in his S
Street house “The Dugout?”

Let’s go back to the summer of
1918. Members in the US Army and Navy
stationed in London at the time decided to play a benefit baseball game against
each other in front of 40,000 spectators.
King George V was scheduled not only to be the guest of honor at this
exhibition game, but also to throw out the first pitch. The King was reportedly eager to learn the
correct way to throw a baseball (as opposed to the throwing motion in cricket). Here is an article from Jamaica’s Gleaner newspaper written about a week
before the game:
On July 4, 1918, the day of the
game, spectators and other notable figures (such as Queen Mary and Winston
Churchill) arrived with great anticipation for the game. When it came time to throw out the first
pitch, the King realized the netting that was erected to protect fans from foul
balls was in the way, so he just handed the ball to an umpire. After the Navy’s win of 2-1, the King signed
one of the game balls which he then sent to Wilson. He signed it, “George R.I.” “R.I.” stands for “Rex Imperator,” which is
Latin for “King Emperor.” Wilson put the
baseball in a glass case and kept it as a beloved memento for the rest of his
At the base of the ball are three
plaques which read:
“Baseball signed by His Majesty King George V”
“In the presence of, His Majesty the King, Her
Majesty the Queen, Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, H.R.H. Princess Mary, H.R.H.
Prince Albert, H.R.H. The Duke of Connaught”
Presentation to the President of the United States by the London Baseball
Not only is it neat to have such an old
baseball in the house, but it’s probably the only baseball a Royal has ever
a video of King George V’s arrival (along with other dignitaries), and excerpts
from the baseball game.
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